I have decided to scale back my repeater stations from what I had on the air in NJ.
I have 10m, 6m, 2m, 1 1/4m, 70cm and 900Mhz GE, Motorola and HiPro (220) repeaters, receiver drawers, SAME decoders, amplifiers, duplexers, cavity filters, circulators, Bird panel wattmeters, controllers, 19 fan drawers, Station Master and other repeater antenna and more items For Sale "AS IS".
Most of the equipments are used and were in use before relocating to NC, some are NOS in the original boxes.
In the coming weeks I shall list more specific pages with details and prices for items For Sale at http://www.n2ckh.com/FORSALE/REPEATERS/REPEATERS.htm
I also have lots of original manuals on repeaters, radios and test equipment, the Motorola manuals at http://www.n2ckh.com/FORSALE/DOCS/MOTOROLA/MOTOROLA.htm with GE Manuals coming soon.
If you are looking for anything to build repeaters and don't see it already listed, just drop me an e-mail as I may just have what you need.
This photo shows the compact 6 foot Motorola repeater cabinet that holds a number of items.
I have a few Motorola 48 inch cabinets as well. Most repeaters, cabinets and antennas are pick up only due to their siege and weight.
The photos below are all spares components to the systems that I had on the air. The same Motorola repeater cabinet with the front door unlocked and removed currently filled with GE Master II/M radios for for VHF Lo/Hi and UHF as well as some UHF Delta's for linking and repeater building ad full GE repeaters.
I have a number of used repeater controllers from a few different manufacturers to include a NOS ATV controller.
Here are some NOS Wacom WP-687 900Mhz duplexers, I have also have pass filters, circulators and 900Mhz Motorola radios.
GE repeaters complete in cabinets with key for pick up only.
I have a number of GE and Motorola 110w repeater amplifiers for 6m, 2m and 70cm and Uniden/Milcom amplifiers for 220Mhz. All of the TPL 900Mhz repeater amplifiers are gone.
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