Click here for my tips on successful QSLing
Do you have one these QSL cards ?
This is my photo QSL from 1991 to the present, although the picture is quite out of date. This is still the current N2CKH QSL card. I keep meaning to make some new ones, but I had so many made the last time, and the only thing out of date is the picture, so I think I just keep using them until they run out.
This is my current non-photo QSL card. I had this made prior to the photo QSL above, they don't get out dated and cost a bunch less too. They also accept my RAC 'n RollUp Star printer created QSO mailing label dead center.
The first N2CKH QSL card. I never had any KA2IFX QSL cards made as I did most of my operating at the DeVry club station that resulted in DX contacts and used the school club QSL card below. However the contacts made from home did receive a home made KA2IFX qsl card.
While employed at ITT, the first big job after DeVry, I was given the opportunity to make contacts and issue official company QSL cards. Unfortunately I rarely even had the time to do so as a junior engineer.
As a Novice, I operated WA2MDT/KA2IFX (that was WA2-Mighty-Dirty-Transmitter) on the 80/40 meter dipole and 10/15/20 meter tri-bander. When our station trustee, Frank Koempel, WB2JKU (now a silent key) was present, I even got to operate 20 meter phone in the general sub-bands.
As soon I a get a chance I shall add QSL cards that I have sent out operating events with the Ocean-Monmouth Amateur Radio Club (OMARC) Inc., for our Marconi Special Events.
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Entire contents Copyright © 1999-2001 by Stephen B. Hajducek, N2CKH. All Rights Reserved Worldwide.