This UHF Linking Hub is currently under development.
The hub in Lakewood will be based on a Motorola 100w UHF Micor Compa-Station running at first a CSI-32 Super or Comm Spec TP-3200 community tone panel running stand alone and later a Pacific Research RI-400 controller with all the other Lakewood co-hosted repeaters on the RI-300/RI-400 auxillary buss. A Motorola duplexer and Celwave Station Master antenna will also be used.
This linking hub will allow an unlimited number of off site repeater systems to link into the system using a UHF low band transceiver on their repeater controller linking port.
The other co-hosted N2CKH/R repeaters and the AERIALS 443 repeater in the Township of Ocean, in eastern Monmouth County and other repeater systems around Ocean and Monmouth counties will be linked via this hub on demand.
Below is a block diagram of the hub, left click the image to enlarge.
The hub will operate using the Station Master omni-direction antenna with all remote sites coordinated to use directional high gain antennae. The needed linking transceivers will (Canadian Motorola Mitrek 406-430 Mhz or GE Delta-S 420Mhz radios are recommended) be able to operate half duplex at 10-30 watts or lower depending on distance from the hub in Lakewood.
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Entire contents Copyright © 1999-2001 by Stephen B. Hajducek, N2CKH. All Rights Reserved Worldwide.